Friday, 22 March 2013
Whenever I hear anything related to things like wedding invitations, I can feel my eyeballs getting ready to roll. I immediately revert back to the days when my daughter worked at a gift/stationery shop in the one and only Malibu California. It was located within feet of the beach and was often frequented by Hollywood celebrities. It was exciting for her. She would get excited to tell my wife and myself about the clientele she serviced each day. The pay wasn't the big allure. Since she was in college only two miles down the coast and the opportunity to rub elbows with the stars was more than enough for her as compensation. I once saw a bed linen set for sale in her shop for $199.00. Believe it or not, I saw the exact same set on display at Bed, Bath and Beyond for $24.99. Do the math and you can "guesstimate" what they charged for wedding invitations. You and I could probably fund an entire wedding for what they charged for the invitations alone. I do realize that the rent must be astronomical at their location. On the other hand they more than make up for that by hiring the college girls at a bargain. You should see the prices on the food at the Italian restaurant next door. Viva La Hollywood!
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