Fancy Ceremony
Sunday, 24 March 2013
I just had a conversation with a gentleman who is going through the gut wrenching experience of watching his wife and daughter planning a wedding. He shares his e-mail account with his wife. That was mistake number one. He is constantly exposed to all the goings on and the drainage in his bank account. His daughter is twenty-five-years old ans has received a total of seven paychecks in the four years since she graduated college. He feels like an old tree being plucked of its leaves. In addition to his woes, his wife is asking him to sign for a second on their home to further support the wedding. I asked him how long this drama was going on. He said it has already been five months and the wedding isn't happening for another four months. He said the only bright spot in the entire scenario is that his daughter is an only child. I told him that is mistake number two. They obviously spoiled her because she is the only one. He began to describe this elaborate unity ceremony they were planning on having. He said it involved two huge candles and he keeps having nightmares of the candles burning all his money. I told him that was mistake number three. They aren't nightmares, they're reality. I guess he won't be buying that bass boat he wanted for his retirement.
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