A Spring Wedding
Monday, 11 March 2013
Some people are wising up and jumping the gun. They discovered that the mad rush in the wedding industry is heavily centered in the month of June. The smart ones are planning their weddings for early spring or mid-summer. It isn't the 100% cure-all, but it does help lighten the load to a certain extent. It increases the odds of timely deliveries and avoidance of deadline stress. For example, if the bridal shop has a long list of gowns to be made and only a few weeks to produce them, you could be biting your nails hoping yours is done on time. The bride shouldn't have a seamstress following her down the aisle with pins in her mouth. Likewise, the groom wouldn't want to be wearing a tuxedo that hasn't been dry cleaned and two different size patent leather shoes. Obviously, these things don't happen very often. The idea here is to avoid even worrying about them happening. This is why I was pleased for my sister when she mailed out her wedding invitations for her May wedding. It also was kind of a kick that her wedding day is on my birthday. I can see the future celebrations being a lot of fun. I am a bit disappointed that I'm not in the bridal party. I didn't really expect to be, since I am not a close friend of my brother-in-law to be, yet. I have a feeling we'll be getting a lot closer in the very near future. According to my other two sisters, he is a stand-up guy and they couldn't say enough good things about him. Being the only boy among four siblings has taught me that most of us guys know about half or less than the girls do. Women, for whatever reason, always seem more multifaceted than men. At least that's what my sisters keep telling me. Also being the youngest limits my latitude, so I do a lot of ego shining, if you know what I mean. I am in a no win situation with three to one odds against me all the time. Having said that, I wouldn't trade my sisters for anything in the world. I enjoy being the youngest because the onus of being protective falls on them since I'm not their "Big Brother". Every time my dad and I try to make family plans, the four women intercede and take over the reins. I wonder what it would be like if the numbers were the other way around. Knowing the strength of each of my sisters, it would probably take just one to control things anyway.
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