Contributors' Poems
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Contributors' Poems
The works on this site are owned by the individual authors/artists.
The artwork on this site is © Copyright
Kim Barker 2002-2009,
All Rights Reserved
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. Images and contents taken from other sites are credited here.
Hi Kim. Thanks for stopping by Box 1715, earlier. Just wanted to tell you what a talented artist you are and I came across your poetry blog as well so thought I'd submit a little something of my own.
One of my writings from my Hidden Shadows blog. (These are unpublished works From The Hidden Shadows Of My Mind
This one is about my father or more precisely a representation of the first time I saw the 'man' behind his presence. He died of cancer in 1995.
Through The Eyes Of A Child
Anna Webber-Anderson
I am 9 years past, this summer; not quite a child but not yet anything more. I still look upon this world in it's most simple form, comprehending only that which is discernible by the five senses.
He was always here; this man who is my father. A being of minor importance. Nothing more, nothing less. Existing in my universe but holding no real significance in my mind. He simply, is.
Through the window of my room the darkness envelops me; taunts me with it's silence and I am afraid. Evil lies silently in wait and I can only imagine what horror lurks amongst the shadows of the trees; I call to him, my father, in barely a whisper and he is quickly here by my side. He tucks me in with tales of beautiful faeries dancing in the twilight mist and tells me not to worry. Sleep finally takes hold.
A new day dawns, and as I awaken, I look up into his face. My protector. He has been here all night, standing watch over me, his only child. And I realize that the man who stands before me has suddenly become the center of my universe, as I am his.
And with this realization, I finally glimpse the essence of his soul; and he is beautiful.
hi Anna
This is so beautiful....sad, yet at the same time uplifting...and full of hope..
I lost my Dad to cancer in 2002.
It WILL be an honour for me to post this on my blog.
Thank you and my best wishes to you...
The Wild Goose
The Wild Goose is coming
I listen for her low cries and wingbeat
She sees me, sees my longing heart
Swoops low then flies away again.
I know somehow she wants me to join her
To abandon all and jump into that sky
To trust her, holding me up
in the stream of air left by her wings
Mike Fone
hi Mikey
this is so delicate and bittersweet
I sense the fragility of love in this poem...very similiar to the quality in your portraits.....
thank you
I like both pieces very much, Anna and Mike!
What a great idea, Kim, to share these works. I admire your enthusiasm and energy!
Dear Kim~
What an artistic explosion you are! I am always so thankful when I make new friends who are artists with HART! :)
Thank you for your blog and too, for your vote on bloggingtofame.
shoshana rose
P.S. I added a feed of PoeARTica to my Diary of a Dancer. :)
thank you Shoshana
it's a pleasure to meet someone with such a passion for dance !!!
Hello again. Please let me know your email address because my computer is screwed up and won't launch outlook when I click your contact info. I want to send you a few poems I have written, and perhaps you will post one?
hi Shoshana
looking forward to reading your poems :)
Hi Kim!
Happy New Year!
Here is one of my poems, dearly beloved. I find myself musing upon a move back to the country. Ahh...
Naked Land
Inspired by my countryside drive to work one day....
Oh naked land
she rises & falls
drumming my chest
Oh singing soil
mountains & hills
her beautiful breasts
Canyon way melodies
streams all a gush
Crystal clean waters
through my veins rush
Carrying my soul
my life on thus wings
Over valley & dale
lush greenery sings
Dance with me there
make love, and abide
God's splendid Creation
His sensuous side
Copyright ©2002-2007 ShoshanaRose
thank you Shoshana...
this is a very inspiring and uplifting poem !!!!
If you want, I would like to donate this poeme for you,
it call "Twilight voice",
Throught this journey we walk, in the stillness of the night, I hear a voice in the distance.
The stars call to me, I hear the voice of those I lost, of those I know and those I will meet, from day to day the memories flashes in my head. A day a warrior with courageous heart to face the day, the next a mage to see and let the world speak to me in peace.
I see the stars in their light and a tear fill my eye, wishing that my heart will find peace, one day hope will call to me with voice of the twilight souls.
Thank you, I hope you like it.
I do like it's lovely :)
thank you so much for posting your poem ...I will post it for you this week ....
have a wonderful day :)
as requested one of my poems you liked it so I will use it...
Her Mind
Demons within her..
Stoke the furnace ..
In her mind..
Cauldron quenched by..
His touch alone..
Her safe place..
Is with him..
The soul protector..
Her saving grace..
Without their love..
Life's tortures return..
Cherish he does..
This golden jewel..
For her life..
Is with him..
thank you for the comment on my poetry blog it means a lot..
thanks so much Robert !!!
this is terrific !!
I will post this tomorrow :) :)
What a lovely poem, Robert. Makes me think of a man that I love.
Hi kim I wrote this awhile ago while thinking of my Grand parents 50 th wedding anniversary
The Golden Bond
He looks lovingly at her..
With eyes that have seen..
Wars and Famine times..
Good years and the bad..
Fifty summers they have been together.....
She has always been there..
Comforting or hardening him..
Through many change of wind..
They have loved and fought..
Child born raised and gone..
The Passing of two lives as one..
Has deep meaning to them both..
hope you like it
I love it Robert...
you know my parents were married 49years when my dear Dad passed away....
my Mum lost her love and life long friend....
my Mum will really enjoy this poem I did...
thanks so much...I will post tomorrow :))
Hi there!
I got inspired last night to write
this poem hope you like it.
It titled "Road of legacy"
"I walked down a road, a path
to discovers my roots, my plans,
my own soul.
I look around to see others peoples
with others dreams in their hearts.
Some to befriend me, others
to teach me and others yet to
The past, the present and futur,
have no meanning here, time
stoped and space vaste.
Looking for awnsers to understand myself and the world around me.
I may never get the awnsers that I seek but I know this, this path I take, I leave behind seed of my life so one day they will grow to be trees of knowleged and give people renewed strengh to seek out their dream.
That is the legacy I leave behind, HOPE and COURAGE."
this is a very interesting road that you write about Fortinjack....
thanks for contributing here
I will post your poem some time next week :)
have a great weekend :)
The Reason Why
It's more than passion..
The melting of two bodies..
Bonding to become one..
It's the site of her..
Standing with wry smile..
Eyes lit with a twinkle..
It's the sound of her stirring..
In the back ground with a hum..
Of her favorite song...
It's the scent of her...
that whiff of woman and perfume..
When you come in the door...
It's the look of concentration..
She has with eyebrows bent..
A touch of her hand given with out thought..
It's all of this and more...
That stirs your heart and moves the soul...
this poem is lovely Robert ..
thank you I will post this today.. :)
Thia is simply titled "Oath of trust" is the oath I make when I
meet a new friend on line and
when they accept me as a friend.
" I am the light in the shadows.
I am the vessel to housed the spirit of kindness and trust.
I am the rock that balance's
the gift of friendship between
two souls.
I am the honor that binds the
faith and trust you have in me.
And finally, you are the mirror
that reflect me and I am the mirror
that reflect you, be at peace
my friend."
I hope you like this one.
thanks Fortinjack :)
this is a lovely tribute to friends
I will post this today... :)
Desert Sunrise
Early morning quiet still
I watch and wait patient
Sky black dotted with sparkling light
Air clear sharp with each breath
Slowly across the desert floor
Across the sagebrush gritty dirt
Like rippling fire sweeping far
Morning sun rays spread
Kaleidoscope of carmine color
Creeping slowly toward the hills
Suddenly like God's great switch
Shadows move dissipate in grace
The mountains glow like flares
So many shades of red hue
Mother nature at her peak
Tis only but a passing moment
Well worth this man's wait
The image now emblazoned well
In the gypsy memory bank
wow Robert..
this is wonderful....
I really enjoyed reading this poem...I felt like I was actually sitting out in the desert :)
I'll post this on Monday and thanks for your contribution..
have a great weekend... :)
come to see here
Hi Kim, I enjoy reading your posts, and I find it inspiring to read through the poems. Here is one poem which I wrote a while ago.
When clutching my head,
and dragging my knuckles
across the ceramic floor
wasn't enough to escape
your abuse,
I threw myself on concrete
and prayed I would drown
in blood.
Quiet and unnoticed
But even that didn't work.
My body was a painting
of your destructive results,
and my shame and pain
added the final touch.
Because then I was too weak
to spill myself to the ones I love
Because then nothing else mattered
but you
but me
but us.
Now I no longer have the strength
to carry on your burden.
No longer will I risk
everything I have lost
all over again.
I grow sick
looking at these wounds
we have both given me.
And I cry every night
because four years with you
got me a contract with the devil.
I'll rip our hearts apart
and from the scattered pieces
I'll quickly pick up my remains
Hi Kim, I'm not sure if my previous post got posted. If it didn't, I just wanted to say I enjoy reading poems featured on this page. Here is one I wrote a while ago. Its called "No Longer"
When clutching my head,
and dragging my knuckles
across the ceramic floor
wasn't enough to escape
your abuse,
I threw myself on concrete
and prayed I would drown
in blood.
Quiet and unnoticed
But even that didn't work.
My body was a painting
of your destructive results,
and my shame and pain
added the final touch.
Because then I was too weak
to spill myself to the ones I love
Because then nothing else mattered
but you
but me
but us.
Now I no longer have the strength
to carry on your burden.
No longer will I risk
everything I have lost
all over again.
I grow sick
looking at these wounds
we have both given me.
And I cry every night
because four years with you
got me a contract with the devil.
I'll rip our hearts apart
and from the scattered pieces
I'll quickly pick up my remains
hello Luvikavi
thank you for sharing this powerful work!!!
I will publish this on Wednesday...
do you have a short bio as well??