Oath of trust

Monday 18 February 2008 4 responses

I am the light in the shadows.

I am the vessel to housed the spirit of kindness and trust.

I am the rock that balance's
the gift of friendship between
two souls.

I am the honor that binds the
faith and trust you have in me.

And finally, you are the mirror
that reflect me and I am the mirror
that reflect you, be at peace
my friend.

© fortinjack77

4 responses: to “ Oath of trust so far...

  • Kris Cahill 23.2.08

    Lovely words, Jerome. You have a very kind spirit, and it shows through in this poem. Very nice.

  • Lynda 23.2.08

    I really like this Kim and it is so true to you, true nature for you... excellent! hope all is well, and that you are happy!!! :)))

  • Astro Galaxy 29.2.08

    It's great!
    Honest & true words always touch the heart!

  • Anonymous 29.2.08

    Beautiful and heartfelt, dear Jerome.

