I Once Planted a Garden...

Monday 16 July 2007 7 responses

I once planted a garden.
I used nickels
dimes and
quarters as my seed.

This was a garden whose fruit
would end my parents fighting over the
HeaTelephonElectric Bills.

A garden whose fruit would
buy me and my sisters
new pink bicycles
with pink streamers
from the handlebars.

A garden whose fruit would feed
The homeless guy
who lived behind Caldor's.

At night my dreams
would take me to my garden.
I would stand there and
watch the huge trees
with dollar bill leaves
and coin blossoms
sway across the
night sky with the wind.


Morgan says

Is it possible to totally transform every aspect of one's existence in the course of 30 days....In such a way that can only be described as a miracle???

7 responses: to “ I Once Planted a Garden... so far...

  • Kim 16.7.07

    I was very moved by Morgan's poem.....she paints a very poignant picture of childhood dreams.......

    I admire your courage and your talent......Morgan...and...
    thank you for contributing this special poem....

  • Franco 17.7.07

    Hi Kim..just written something about you and Morgan. Also tagged you a couple of days back in my blog, www.francoyong.com.

    Morgan and you are both a formidable duo. Both so good with writing. Love both your blogs.



  • Kim 18.7.07

    thank you Franco !!!
    for your visit and your comments...

  • Morgan 18.7.07

    Sniff, sniff, thank you Kim.
    :) Much love, sunshine & blue skies for you

  • Kim 18.7.07

    it was a pleasure Morgan :) :)
    best wishes to you !!!!

  • Anonymous 19.7.07

    I love poetry and this is a very fine poem. I love how Morgan took chances and created some unique passages that cause you to think even more about what is being said.

  • Kim 19.7.07

    So true Boyd !!!!
    it is a poem that you can read again and again !!!!!
    thanks for visiting Poeartica ....