I nEEd a tiTLE

Friday 29 June 2007 12 responses

How many of us
live an unnatural life?
Wanting harmony
that seems to elude
until one day
the soul fights back
like a wolf caught in
blood stripped caves.
The pain intense.

"The Cry" after Munch...(Kim Barker)

related link: Discovery Banishes Bad Memories by Deborah Petersen at Life in the Fast Lane

12 responses: to “ I nEEd a tiTLE so far...

  • Anonymous 1.7.07

    Hi Kim;
    Hope things are well?

    Hmmm... 'Spiritual Conflict'

    - Anna

  • Kim 1.7.07

    thanks Anna
    a great title for this one......I wrote this a long time ago as a response to the personal lives of Munch and Egon Schiele...who are two artists that inspire me.....they had very tragic lives and were haunted by the deaths of loved ones and both suffered great 'spiritual conflict'.....both died at a relatively early age......

  • Anonymous 2.7.07

    Kim, that's so wild that we both used your painting on the same day! And that we linked to each other :-)

    Doo doo doo doo...

  • Anonymous 2.7.07

    Forgot about the title...

    The Paint, The Agony, The Ecstasy

  • Anonymous 2.7.07

    I meant to say The Pain, not the paint...Freudian slip :-)

  • Kim 3.7.07

    hey Deborah
    I like your accidental title haha
    The Paint, The Agony, The Ecstasy seems like a very appropriate slip of the tongue......

  • Anonymous 4.7.07

    Always liked this image.


    Soul Intense.

  • Kim 4.7.07

    hi Jackal
    thanks for visiting Poeartica....I like your title...nice connotations especially with the painting....

  • Anonymous 6.7.07

    Kim, this sums a lot of things up for me wonderfully.

    The Paint, The Agony The Ecstasy. ROFLMAO.


  • Kim 6.7.07

    haha Mikey
    it seems a fitting title for an artist's lot eh!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous 6.7.07

    People say to me I wish I could paint like that. I reply, oh do you really. I asked one woman if that meant she wanted to be the same as me. She said yes.


  • Kim 7.7.07

    Well Mikey
    I would take that as the ultimate compliment !!!!!