A poet’s life
Friday, 30 January 2009
Contributors' Poems,
Guest Poet
My heart flows from the end of my pen
Written from the juice of a blood red grape
The love, the joy all appear before me
A poet’s grace, my one true escape
The tears that flow from my pen so free
Save my eyes from a river of pain
A release of heartache and desperate longing
The words colour the paper with no refrain
The words of love that carry me high
Speak of life and its pure rich magic
Then they turn to help as they always do
To assist the poet through a time so tragic
Landscapes and beauty touch the writer’s soul
As this great land his words for a moment hold
Never to be owned just shared and enjoyed
To try to do more, who would be so bold?
The blood of my soul is the poet’s ink
Written in the words that are me
Exorcised from within to be seen and dealt
Then leaving the poet’s spirit forever free.
© Bernard J Rossi
Author & Poet
Bernard J. Rossi has been writing in one form or another for almost 30 years and over that time his writing experiences have been in many diverse areas including technical, short stories, poems and a number of books.
His first short story published was Michael’s Birthday (1991).
Bernard has poems published in many anthologies, most notably “The International Who’s Who in Poetry” and another international publication, “The Best Poems and Poets of 2007.”
His most recent achievements in writing longer works have been the publication of Room 22 in late 2007 and Arlington Reef in early 2008 and Bernard has two completed manuscripts awaiting publication, The Bloodline and The Spiral, which is the sequel to Room 22.
Bernard’s latest work is different from all his previous works and is an exciting move into an intriguing direction.
Bernard J Rossi
Room 22
Arlington Reef
I love this poem Kim! And it's so nice to see a new post here too YAY! :):):)
oh thanks Mariuca...
it's a wonderful poem and just perfect to start the new year with....
thanks for calling in ...
I see that Wishing on a Star is here today and is contender for top dropper of the month...woohoo!!!
A poet’s grace, my one true escape is my favorite line
WAAAAAA..... can you make me a poem for my girlfriend for valentines day? :P She loves poems.
Ha ha! I will def try to be number 1 here this month, just watch me drop here daily LOL!!! :):):)
Also love seeing both my cards here YAY! And thanks Kim! :)
Mariuca, thank you for your comments on my poem, I ma thrilled you liked it.
Kim, thank you for posting it, I am grateful and honoured. (and please excuse my penchant for the Australian way of spelling, I hope it does not put your readers off!)
thats a great work.. i like the poem "if" by rudyard kipling ..do take a read
nice poem.. u must read "if" by rudyard kipling .. i like it the most
it's a wonderful poem Kim!! and I have to agree with Marzie. It's wonderful to see you back and working again!:-)
I know you have certainly inspired me to pursue my photography. you have a wonderful gift to inspire!!:-)
like a rare geyser
these explosions of hyper-electric
creative flash forest fire
only ravage my
usually dormant
when they damn well want to,
and this one has been
drinking and driving me
all over
all day
and now deep into the night.
at this point i feel that
creativity itself
is abusing me
and setting its own fires
underneath me
to keep me in constant transition
between anticipated
why else
would i be giving
poor Smoky the Bear
the finger
and running through
these dry
dry hills
with my brain on fire?
Derl, its always nice to know which lines strike a chord with others.
Bath Salts, I'm always happy to write, its too late for Valentines Day, but then everyday deserves to be Valentines Day
Scarlettbreeze, I have read if before but read it again on your recommendation. What I like about poetry sometimes is the more you read a poem the more you learn from it. Thanks BJR
I am glad you enjoyed my poem Shinade, and I thin k if you can turn photography into art then you have a great gift and you should not ignore it. I have just bought a new camera and hope to one day be able to do more than point and shoot. BJR