Monday, 20 April 2009
Contributors' Poems,
Guest Poet
Life used to be about the magic
Life was once about the wonder
We ruled the earth
Nothing could stop us
Our oyster awaited
Life grew to be about surviving
Life developed into making it
Work ruled our existence
Our freedom usurped
Old age awaited
Life used to be about surviving
Now it is about enjoyment
Magic rules our world
Life is full of wonder
Our dreams await
Life survives because of the magic
© Bernard J Rossi
Author & Poet
Bernard J. Rossi has been writing in one form or another for almost 30 years and over that time his writing experiences have been in many diverse areas including technical, short stories, poems and a number of books.
His first short story published was Michael’s Birthday (1991).
Bernard has poems published in many anthologies, most notably “The International Who’s Who in Poetry” and another international publication, “The Best Poems and Poets of 2007.”
His most recent achievements in writing longer works have been the publication of Room 22 in late 2007 and Arlington Reef in early 2008 and Bernard has two completed manuscripts awaiting publication, The Bloodline and The Spiral, which is the sequel to Room 22.
Bernard’s latest work is different from all his previous works and is an exciting move into an intriguing direction.
Bernard J Rossi
Room 22
Arlington Reef
Very nice. Just like a conversation it flows smoothly. Life has to have magic in it.
I should remind myself to drop by more often in your site.
Thank you for this magical poem Kim, I enjoyed reading it. Have a lovely Tuesday! :):):)
I do believe that sometimes Magic do happens. But most of the time it's 99% hardwork and 1% luck.
I love it
I am a student
this is true... magic does happens... if you only believe, then it does happens... sometimes, it happens to make us believe.
zorlone, thank you for the very kind words on my poem. Life without magic is hard for me to imagine. I hope Kim sees you back here regularly.
Mariuca, glad you enjoyed this one, have a magical day
g.a.i.a, I agree a lot of hard work is required, even writing poems requires that, and luck is an essential ingredient, but never close your eyes top the power of magic. Illusions come and go, but magic is forever.
student, thanks for the vote of confidence, good luck with the studies.
kenneth sena, believing is the key for sure. We all deserve a little bit of magic in our lives and if we believe we might just recognise when it comes knocking.