New Blog on the Block
Monday, 9 June 2008
New Blog on the Block
'Rinkly Rimes'
is a daily compilation of verses, parodies, comic rhymes, childrens' poems and even, sometimes,'serious stuff' (but not often.)
is a daily compilation of verses, parodies, comic rhymes, childrens' poems and even, sometimes,'serious stuff' (but not often.)
About the AuthorBrenda Bryant
Born in England in 1931. Evacuated in World War 2. Trained as a teacher at Brighton Training College, Sussex. Taught in London. Moved to Zimbabwe. Seven years later worked on a mail ship. Married in Capetown. Two children, Rebecca and Greg.Moved to Australia in 1974. After retirement worked for a publisher. Three grandsons, Blake, Harry and Max.
A daily dose of humour from writer Brenda Bryant.
This blog is a must visit.
Drop in and say hello to Brenda and read some of her daily 'Rimes'.
Brenda has written a poem called 'COMMUNITY' especially for me !!!
and it's Wonderful !!!
Thanks so much Brenda...
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