Big price for a tiny portrait !!!
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Jane Austen
A tiny token of Austen's big love
She described him as "a very gentlemanlike, good-looking, pleasant young man", and Jane Austen certainly fell for his boyish charms.
He was law student Tom Lefroy and the tiny watercolour portrait of him which is expected to fetch £50,000 ($103,000) when it goes on sale next week, was painted two years after the brief but highly charged dalliance he had with the novelist. They met at a ball, danced together over and over and sat and talked about their love of books and Henry Fielding.
Austen and Lefroy fell in love, but she was penniless and his family was poor - he needed to marry money. Lefroy went on to forge a successful legal and political career, becoming Ireland's chief justice "> [Read more →]
Mark Brown
June 11, 2008
Guardian News & Media
I loved the film of this story. I see you have included a still of the lovely James McAvoy!
By the way, forgo to say over at Laketrees how sad I am about the death of Cyd Charisse. I adored her, she was such a gorgeous dancer - great legs! Her many films with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire are amongst my favourites - especially 'The Bandwagon'.
I loved it too Diane...
he is quite dreamy isn't he ..
another one of your hot English actors eh !!
Cyd Charisse was beautiful....
I don't think I've seen Bandwagon...will have to see if I can get it :)
James McAvoy is a very good actor. I liked him in The Last King of Scotland and The Chronicles of Narnia.
I looks good in the upcoming Wanted with Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman.
ah yes Antonio
he was very good in the Last King of Scotland !!!
I haven't seen The Chronicles of Narnia yet or Wanted ...
thanks for the suggestions...
I'll put them on my 'to watch' list...