Monday, 30 June 2008
News Poetry Lisa Gorton

Poet and children's author Lisa Gorton.
Photo: Rodger Cummins
Without apparent difficulty, Lisa Gorton wrote a book of poetry simultaneously with a children's novel, writes Simon Caterson.
YOU HAVE YOUR HEAD IN THE CLOUDS, we might say to someone inclined to daydream. Lisa Gorton has her feet on the ground with a new baby and a three-year-old to look after. Along the way, the Melbourne author's fascination with the literary possibilities of the weather has helped inspire a children's novel and a poetry collection.
Belonging as they do to different publishing categories, the two books are the product of inspired multi-tasking. Cloudland is the story of a young girl who ascends to the ether and Press Release gathers poems, including a sequence set in the very real Mallee country. [Read more]
thanks add my link..
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where u from??
nice know u..
have a good day..
thanks MRP
I have added yours to my links page :)
I'm from Australia :)
sory late reply..
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how are u today??
nice know u..
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that would be great ..
I will add you to my links page :)
I have read the book and I enjoyed it a lot. A really great story.
IT Training
Dear Lisa, you are doing a great and important job, writing such works for children.