Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
International Olympic Committee
"L'important n'est pas de gagner, mais de participer."
The important thing is not to win, but to take part.
The first stanza of Baron Pierre de Coubertin's "Ode to Sport":
O Sport, pleasure of the Gods,essence of life.
You appeared sud-denly in the midst of the grey clearing
which writhes with the drudgery of modern existence,
like the radiant messenger of a past age,
when mankind still smiled.
Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin was born on 1 January 1863 at 20, rue Oudinot in Paris. Very early in life he showed a liking for literature, history and the problems of education and sociology. Giving up the army, abandoning too the political career that was open to him at the age of twenty-four, Pierre de Coubertin decided to launch a vast movement of educational reform, and at twenty-five his life work was started.
It is also to him that we owe all the organisation of the Olympic Games, which have benefited from his methodical and precise mind, and from his wide understanding of the aspirations and needs of young people. The Olympic Charter and Protocol, as well as the athletes' oath are his work, together with the ceremonial for the opening and closing of the Games. Furthermore, until 1925 he personally presided over the International Olympic Committee.
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Kim, I enjoyed this post. Thanks for bringing the Baron back to life! ...grin
I wonder what he would think of the way the Olympics have evolved/devolved? On my blog, one of the individuals who commented on my latest post reminded me that in the early Olympics a truce was called amongst nations and no fighting occurred during the games. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that could be re-instituted today?
thanks Sharon..
yes I imagine he would be intrigued ..to say the least..
I have looked all over for his Ode to the Olympics but no luck..
hey wouldn't it be fantastic if we could have a never ending Olympics ..eh...
Kim, only if.....
Here's the first stanza of Baron Pierre de Coubertin's "Ode to Sport":
O Sport, pleasure of the Gods,essence of life.
You appeared sud-denly in the midst of the grey clearing
which writhes with the drudgery of modern existence,
like the radiant messenger of a past age,
when mankind still smiled.
BTW, did you know that the Olympics formerly also included an artistic/cultural aspect that including sculpture, painting, literature and music? They abandoned it, however, in 1954 because they concluded that artists were "professionals" and the Olympics were meant for amateurs.
oh thanks for this Sharon..
I will add to the post....
I read about the arts being included and then discontinued...that's how I found the info on the Baron..
absolutely fascinating...
I suppose in some ways the judging of the arts is so subjective that it would be hard to measure...
maybe someone could start a non competitive Arts Olympics eh..
He he I agree! Just like entering your contests, even though I didn't win it's still FUN to take part, thanks Kim! :)
oh you are sweet Mariuca :):)
I'm so glad that you have fun....I'll have to have another one very soon...hehe
Yay! Looking forward to more contests from u Kim! I am now trying my best to get into ur Top EC list lol! Happy weekend. :)
lol Mariuca...
I'm sure you are in there ...which reminds me I should put the google top droppers gadget on this blog....it shows the top 20 droppers ;)
have a lovely Sunday :) :)
Hi Kim,
I totally agree with the quote, people get topo obsessed w/winning and lose sight of the value of merely participating. In fact, a lot of people quit at sports they enjoy just because they aren't as good as they might like to be, and that's the wrong attitude. Good post!
thanks Patrick..
I agree....
it's the journey ..not the destination....