The Peace Train - Bloggers Initiative For Peace

Wednesday 9 January 2008 2 responses

I came across the Peace Train at NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)

"Now I've been crying lately,
thinking about the world as it is.
Why must we go on hating,
why can't we live in bliss?"

Carol of My View of "It" started this new Peace Train. Here's what Carol said about this: "It is the start of the New Year. Bush is still in Office, we are still at War. I can no longer sit idly by without letting the World know that I am opposed to War and can only think of one way to spread this message. Won't you join me by placing a badge in the sidebar (or somewhere on your site) to let the world know that we are United against the War and looking for Peace in this the New Year?"You can leave a comment at this post on Carol's blog My View of "It" when you join and you will be listed there. You can pick up the Peace Train Link List and the badge at Carol's blog, or you may use the alternate ones in the scroll box at Bloggers for Peace: Join the Peace Train , or you can create your own if you like. Do regularly check Carol's Peace Train to update your link list!

Join the Peace Train:
My View of "It"Our Hep ChatMy Reviews and Finds Along the WayBeth Allen II Writing 5 to 9 Positive CommunicationNoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)Additional BlogLOveBlue Ribbon BloggersOgenDicht/EyesClosedThe Painted VeilSanta's Community BlogTwisted SisterlaketreesPoeARTicaNew England Lighthouse TreasuresObservations From the Back 40Lynda LehmannBlogging SueblimelyLifeAmori,poesie,arte,chat virtualiAngela’s Art DiaryThe Lavender LoftA To Z BloggingPeripheral Vision - Inner Sights by Lynda LehmannSue’s ViewsJourney of A Spirited StriderHappy TilerBinding Ink III by Nom de plume The PoetressOzlife BeginsEveryday LifeKikayRants and RamblingsThe Creativity in MePhilip Edson1,000 Faces of Mother HennaA Peace Of…Golden-eBooks BlogShoshana’s Diary Of A DancerAll About Health

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