A Manangement Nightmare
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Never doubt the message when you hear that you should be careful what you hope for, you might get it. I have personally been victimized by such a desire being filled. I was struggling with making a career choice last year. I worked for a really fine and generous firm that always rewarded employees for good effort. My problem was my immediate superior. She seemingly accepted all the praise and kudos for all the hard work my cohorts and myself produced. I say seemingly because I was about to learn some things I had no idea about. It took a very special event our department was putting together that could make or break the future success of our company. It was a monster of an event and was causing all of us to have nightmares regarding the outcome. My boss Miranda was in the thick of things when the thought came to me that if she were moved up the corporate ladder I would have the opportunity to step up to the next rung myself. It sounded pretty good, until it happened. Right in the middle of this huge product, she handed me the reins. My opinion of her instantly changed when my nine hour day became a fifteen hour day. I wasted no time searching for event management software to keep me from insanity. Luckily I found the perfect software and got the project completed on time. The event was super successful thanks to eventready.com.
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