Acupuncture In Edmonton

Thursday, 29 March 2012 0 responses

I have a little smile plastered on my face when I recall a story of a friend that had acupuncture in Edmonton. She was going on and on at how she was such a skeptic about anything that wasn't under the auspices of western medicene. Then while in Edmonton at a hockey game, she was stricken with a horrible pinched nerve in her neck. She took some muscle relaxants and pain killers to no avail. Finally, she allowed her companion to convince her to try acupuncture. After the treatment,she felt so relieved she likened acupuncture to the effectiveness of Wayne Gretzky the great Edmonton Oiler at the time.

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Sport Marketing

Sunday, 25 March 2012 0 responses

One of the few remaining areas where nations can drop the sword and join in a community atmosphere is sports. This is why sport marketing is essential to Canadian people and for that matter all people. The people of every nation seek peace and tranquility. It may seeem that some are in fear of building relationships with other nations, but my gut tells me we all want and desire peace. The fields of athletes in an Olympic setting simply bring a tear to my eye. The joyous expressions on the elite athletes of every nation are a sure sign of the hard work and determination of these individuals. The pride and honor displayed should be enough to showcase to the world that we all should aspire to be our best. This is what sports can do for the world.

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SEO Toronto

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Facing the hyper-competive world of being noticed on the web is extremely daunting and is increasing in difficulty daily. To go it on your own using outdated or black or white hat methods is a definite path toward obscurity. The time has come for you to decide to use something like SEO Toronto or more than likely fall by the wayside. Professional SEO can make you a player in what ever field of endeavor you are active in. When the opportunity arises for giving you and your company the edge on the search engines, it could turn out to be fatal if you don't. Do not be penny wise and dollar foolish.

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Saturday, 24 March 2012 0 responses

Thanks for the guest post by Jonathan Curtis

My friend recently got engaged. She met her fiancé at a wedding in Napa Valley last June. They are getting married quickly, but they seem to be really in love and I am happy for them. Although I haven’t met him yet ( they moved to Dallas), he seems to be is really a good guy. He also has a great supportive family that lives in Dallas too. She created a shared pin board on Pintrest for all of the bridesmaids. I have been using my CLEARinternet to surf all of the wedding websites. It is cool to be able to pin pictures and things that you like onto a shared idea board. When I was getting married, I had to tear pictures out of magazines and create a “tags” where I saved all of my websites that I liked in a folder under “wedding” on the bar. Sometimes I would even forget what I liked on the website. Pintrest is so cool because you can pin exactly what you like, it saves the website, and you can write a bit about what you like. It is a genius idea! I wish that it was around when I was getting married.

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Infinite Banking

Thursday, 22 March 2012 0 responses

These days more amd more people are trying every which way to make money. Some are desperately eking out a living, others are attempting to amass fortunes. The look at me generation, that in my estimation started in the eighties, has extended into the new millenium and will be continuing for some time. I was involved in an arts foundation fund raising campaign when I stumbled upon infinite banking from interviewing other foundations. It seems many of their wealthy patrons have been using the technique long before the general public got wind of it.

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Infinite Banking

Tuesday, 20 March 2012 0 responses

The old adage informing us it is not what you know but who you know has never been more true than now when you are finally hearing about infinite banking. It was because you didn't know the right people that you never had the opportunity to know about this tightly held secret. It was a matter of their thinking that the fewer people that were in on this process, the better off they would be. I haven't figured out the hows and whys, but I'm sure they had their reasons and they weren't to benefit us. I would love to believe that our society is truly democratic, but when stuff like this surfaces, my poetic sense of equality and balance is greatly shaken.

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Scope Mount

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It seems that no matter what the subject is, nothing is ever as simple as it appears to be on the surface. When you think about something like a scope mount, you visualize a cross hair on top of a rifle. The fact is these scopes are used for laser pointing and such and entail incredibly accurate precision. In a way the instrument must practically be poetic in form and function. Assembling it is akin to synchronizing the notes in a musical composition. GDI, a small business by some standards offers state of the art products and is run by dedicated military veterans.

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B2B Telemarketing

Monday, 19 March 2012 0 responses

What better way to raise funding than B2B telemarketing? It is wonderful to have voluteers manning the phones to try and raise money. These people aren't always available or willing to do so. This is why it is wise to make SalesFish your choice. It is a great combination to have the volunteers as well as B2B pros. You would be shocked at the proficiency ratio between the two groups. The fees for the pros are well worth the results they get. I don't mean to discount the value of the volunteers. I just want to say that these pros are amazing. I would imagine they could really help any business grow many times faster than normal.

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Infinite Banking

Sunday, 18 March 2012 0 responses

Almost anything you can think of has the potential of evolving to the point known as state-of-the-art. Art is a form of beauty, and as we know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Allow me to stretch that concept to your personal banking. For most of your life you have been paying interest on loans, processing fees and so on to that pretty little building down town known as your bank. Well how would you like to pay these things to yourself. Someone paid for the mahogany desks and the leather chairs in that facility. Guess what? That someone is you. With infinite banking, you bcome your own bank and set your own rates and forego the fees. Personal Equity Institute can offer you this opportunity.

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Window Installation Calgary

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I walked into this turn of the century theater in BC and I am awestruck by the ornate mastery of the structure. Then I took at the workmanship of the carved wooden walls. Even the plaster work was incredible. I mean this place was over a hundred years old and it looked like they brought back the master craftsmen and built it a month before. To top it all off, literally, the domed stained glass roof seemed to glare back down at me as I was stunned by its overwhelming beauty. Then I was told that it was recently done by a window installation Calgary company. It looked like a descendant of DaVinci worked on it.

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Burnaby Condo

Saturday, 17 March 2012 0 responses

While visiting a wonderful Mozart concert, my sister and I had the great pleasure of staying with our cousin in her Burnaby condo. I couldn't believe the value she got when she purchased this little piece of heaven. Since I work from my computer virtually, I could actually live anywhere on the globe that has internet. I am constanly considering moving into her complex. The lifestyle is about six rungs higher than my present one, and I am paying nearly twice the amount monthly to support it. We are close enough to discuss personal financial matters, and it was really interesting for me to discover how inexpensive her monthly expenses were.

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Window Installaion Calagary

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There it was the beautiful new concert hall the local arts loving community teamed together to have built without any other outside source of funds. We stood there full of pride seeing the manifestation of our joint efforts. It was truly a thing of beauty. One of our constituents owns a window installation Calgary company and did the most amazing job creating a retractable skylight that will absolutely blow away any one who sees it. The pride and sense of satisfaction that comes fromm pitching in together to create such a thing of beauty is inexplicable. The best part is that it didn't seem like work at all it was a mission of joy.

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B2B Telemarketing

Thursday, 15 March 2012 0 responses

The one thing I find a bit annoying about being a patron of the arts is the constant pressure of raising funds. Unfortunately, the number of people that find the arts essential to our society is much more limited than I'd like to think. I recently was speaking with a B2B telemarketing company in an attempt to strike a deal that would satisfy boh of our objectives. They need to be paid to operate and my job is to collect funding, donations, to ensure the existence of our community art and performance programs that need a constant flow of cash to exist. In the end however, when that curtain rises and all those beautful faces appear, whether they are dancers, singers, musicians or whatever, I know how much joy the performance will bring.

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Green Printing

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When a fellow member of our poetry reading club mentiond green printing to me, I was thinking that he had found a way to print money (just kidding). I knew it had something to do with the environment since that's all he ever talks about. He is so obsessed with the environmental issues to the point that he writes some of the most boring poems about them constantly. It is because of him that I am seriously considering giving up my membership to the club. After discussing this with some of the other members, it seems I'm not the only one getting perturbed by his relentless obsession.

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Wedding Decorations

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If you are inclined to express yourself in the written word like a poet or a novelist or whatever, you will notice it may be difficult to get down on paper the opening thoughts. This is a very common dilemma when it comes to starting almost any form of communication. I can go back seemingly a century ago when I began to write my wedding vows. There was so much to say, but getting it down in order was a task. After that, the process of selecting wedding decorations dwarfed the difficulty of the vow writing. We changed themes and color schemes to every choice in the rainbow before we settled on black and white, our original choice.

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Vancouver Contractors

Wednesday, 14 March 2012 0 responses

The funniest thing ever occurred between myself and my very close friends. I was going on about how living in Vancouver was akin to living in the midst of great prose. I told them about the super ambience and the serenity of the beauty of this fairytale city. Little did I know that they were so deeply involved about my description of life there. I told them that even the Vancouver contractors were fabulous. They warranted more trust than contractors anywhere. The twist came when they e-mailed me to tell me that they were so enthralled that they bought a house in Vancouver, Washintgton. The funny thing is that I was touting Vancouver, BC.

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Seismic Analysis

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Living within 25 miles of a nuclear plant is a somewhat uncomfortable feeling. Compound that by having the plant in an active seismic area magnifies the concern. The fact that there are highly technical companies that evaluate the areas through seismic analysis does, however, soften that concern a a bit. I have always used prose to express some of my inner feelings. Sometimes they are delights and other times they are fears. I have yet to come up with a poem to express the instability of having such an enormous liability so close to my home and loved ones. I guess I'll just have to have faith in the laws of probability and keep my fingers crossed that all will remain secure.

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Furniture Retail Software

Tuesday, 13 March 2012 0 responses

When you are a poetry enthusiast your likes and dislikes go far beyond the verse itself. It is a desire for the orderliness and flow of things in lfe that resemble poetry that links the appreciation of poems to the harmonies in life. This is a strong reason why I relate software programmers to poets. There is a constant thirst for things to flow. This is the objectivity of both. Take this recent furniture retail software I was evaluating for a friend's business. It had that magical continuity and usability that facilitates easy and logical control for the user.

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Wedding Decorations

Monday, 12 March 2012 0 responses

Being a lover of everything poetic, I was extremely pleased at the last wedding reception I and my family attended. The theme they chose for their wedding decorations was "The Great Poets" and how cool is that. They represented everyone from Ovid to Longfellow. I could feel the poetry in the air. It was all I could do to restrain myself from leaping to the bandstand and begin reciting some of my repertiore. I probably would have done it but for my kids begging me not to. The last time I acted on an impulse like that, the family took a cab home and deserted me.

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Wedding Cake Toppers

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I never saw one of those wedding cake toppers that spoke. It was fascinating. The blissful couple above the cake had a little switch that when turned on, had them speaking poetic vows to each other. The children at the wedding were in awe. I was as impressed as any of them. Creativity is always interesting and believe me this was creative. I wonder what in the world will be done next. The best part was that the cake itself was outrageously delicious. I would expect this cake to be displayed on one of those reality baking shows that are so popular right now.

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Furniture Retail Software

Sunday, 11 March 2012 0 responses

A furniture store is very similar to an art gallery or a library of poems and novels. You walk in there and peruse the different artistic expressions in the design of the sofas, tables beds etc. You take for granted all that is done for you to have all these options. Did you ever stop and think of the work that is done not only to manufacture these pieces but to inventory them? Fortunately, there is furniture retail software that does an amzing job in controlling this task. Not too long ago it was one of the most difficult jobs in retail sales.

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Green Printing

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Life is like a poem. Even though we may at times be unaware, there is a message in every word and more importantly, every action. When we all sit back and take for granted that the sun will rise tomorrow and everything that has to be done to continiue our existence on this planet will be done by others or happen automatically, we are flirting with danger and possibly extinction. This is why I am grateful for people like Metropolitan Printing that have converted their processes to green printing. The elimination of toxins is critical to the planet's health and definitely us, the inhabitants.

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Wedding Decorations

Saturday, 10 March 2012 0 responses

One of the most exciting things in a young woman's life is deciding on what wedding decorations to use for the big day. There are even some grooms that might show some interest. Usually, he would be wise enough to leave it up to her and the female members of the family. It would be in his best interest to attempt to be poetic in his writing of his vows. The poet in him would go a much longer way toward impressing his bride than selecting color schemes. All you young men out there should observe this as a word to the wise.

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Wedding Cake Toppers

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Poetry is expressed and experienced in many ways. Sometimes a subtle action has poetic qualities. I was siiting alone at a corner table far away from the band and the hoopla of the wedding reception. Then, one of the waiters was standing in the wings waiting for the band to announce the cake. It was sitting there with the most beautiful of wedding cake toppers I had ever seen. It was the couple depicted as angels looking toward the heavens. I was so deeply touched by this poetic moment that I could not supress my tears. This vision will stay with me forever. The best part was that this couple wholeheartedly warranted being shown in that light.

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Stem Cell Culture

Thursday, 8 March 2012 0 responses

Whatever I do in my life that could possibly help others will be like a drop in the ocean when compared to stem cell culture. The strides being made toward eliminating one malady after another are mind boggling. The world of medical science is making gigantic progress toward extending the lives of each and every one of us. From curing horrible diseases to growing back limbs, their efforts are improving the quality of life on a regular basis. My hat is off to the wonderful individuals who seemingly have dedicated there every waking moment for the benefit of us all

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Hotel Victoria

Saturday, 3 March 2012 0 responses

Selecting a hotel Victoria is a no brainer for me. There are so many words in verse that descibe the poet's emotional connection to just about anything. When it comes to a place to restore balance and serenity in one's life, I have but one choice. That is the Best Western Plus Inner Harbour Victoria Hotel. I choose the word comfort to express my inner feeling for this magical facility. I could not ask for a more relaxing and caring place to stay. In addition, I can step out the door and be minutes if not seconds from Museums, Parks and even a convention center.

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