Her Mind
Monday, 28 January 2008
Contributors' Poems
Demons within her..
Stoke the furnace ..
In her mind..
Cauldron quenched by..
His touch alone..
Her safe place..
Is with him..
The soul protector..
Her saving grace..
Without their love..
Life's tortures return..
Cherish he does..
This golden jewel..
For her life..
Is with him..
© Robert @ Poetry by The Redneck Gypsy
....gritty old Canadian redneck truck driver
You can read more of Robert's Poems, Verse and thoughts from 30 plus years on the highways..@ Poetry by The Redneck Gypsy
Robert's work is spreading, I knew it would. He always has passion in the backround of each poem.
he certainly does Eric...
Robert's poems have passion and sensuality ... :)
I'm looking forward to posting more of his work....