Saturday, 29 September 2007 4 responses

Santa's Community Blog: The Spirit of Christmas Award 2

gave me this award recently....thank you thank you Santa !!!!!

This award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs.

What is the Spirit of Christmas you ask?

Quite simply it is those that have a generous and giving nature. Those who care about others. Those who have a kind word to say or a broad shoulder to lean on in the times that others need that. Those who display the "Spirit of Christmas".

I am passing the three remaining awards on to.................

Deborah at Life in the Fast Lane ........who has a gift for giving of her time and energy all of the time.......

Boyd at Beautiful Explorations of Creative Passion who generously gives advice and wonderful anecdotes on all things pertaining to Art

and the Blog Elf....... just because..... the Elf
is the Elf

I was also tagged by Kuanyin for the 8 Things About Me Meme....
so here are the 8 Things about Me...

1. I started school when I was 4 years old.

2. I have one brother and one sister.

3. I am the eldest.

4. I don't like to hear the sound of sirens.

5. I like to think that I am a minimalist who can deal with clutter now and then....

6. I'm a great believer in "those who can those who can't teach"....

7. I believe in discipline......especially self-discipline

8. I believe in humour and a laugh a day keeps the doctor away....

I am not tagging anyone in particular ...but if you would like to do this meme here are the instructions:

1. Link to the blogger who tagged me; that would be Kuanyin

2. List 8 random facts about myself;

3. Tag 8 people, listing their names and linking to their blogs; and

4. Let them know they've been 'tagged' by commenting on their blogs.

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The Spirit of Christmas

Wednesday, 26 September 2007 9 responses

Santa's Community Blog: The Spirit of Christmas Award 2

gave me this award recently....thank you thank you Santa !!!!!

This award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs.

What is the Spirit of Christmas you ask?

Quite simply it is those that have a generous and giving nature. Those who care about others. Those who have a kind word to say or a broad shoulder to lean on in the times that others need that. Those who display the "Spirit of Christmas".

I am passing this award on to.................

Mary Ann at Maryannaville™

Mary Ann has the Spirit of Christmas in her bones......
she lives in a "Hooterville style of town" .... Since its zip code is, E-I-E-I-O, Mary Ann took it upon herself to rename it - "Maryannaville"

Sue at Sueblimely - Discovering Blogging

Sue has been terrific helping me with my renovations at laketrees and here at PoeARTica

thanks so much Sue......

I have this lovely little badge given to me by Franco at
Mind Body Spirit And Fluttering Thoughts

and I am awarding it to

Diane at Much of a muchness

for her wonderful work..... and exuberant energy.....

The Blog Elf

Is he really naughty or nice?

Lesly at Art Blogs 4 U

Linking you to over 120 artists who like to blog about their art ......

Lesly has featured one of my portraits at Art Blogs 4 U

I received this award from Colin over at Life...
thanks Colin......

I am awarding this to Mig at The Dog Yard who wrote this hilarious post.....and really made me smile....

≡ 10 Ways to Make Your Fellow Bloggers Hate You

Make an account at MyBlogLog and start spamming everyone by leaving a message that says: “great site, visit mine

Go on every blog you find and post a comment that says “great entry, visit my blog

Join forums and add your wise comments to each thread “I agree, visit my blog

Join Blogging to Fame and beg for fames: “loved your site, fame mine”

Make a video of yourself blabbing about the weather and don’t forget to say “visit my blog

Submit your entry every day to every social bookmarking site you know and don’t forget to ask for votes from the members at MyBlogLog: “pls. digg

Collect contact information from all the authority bloggers and email them every day. It doesn’t matter what you say. Just don’t forget to tell them “visit my blog

Request links from everyone like: “I like your blog, link to mine

Copy content from everyone without giving credit, but link to the original source so that the author knows that you’ve copied the article. Eventually say at the end of the article “you are not allowed to republish this without my permission.”

To make the picture complete, make every link you ever place in every entry you ever write a link to one of your affiliate programs that make you money.

Bonus point: tag your blogger friends to complete the list with their ideas.

So I am tagging:
all of my contributors here at PoeARTica.....heheheheheh

An English Mum
From The Hidden Shadows Of My Mind
Not My Year
The Process of a Miracle a 30 Day Experiment
Writing True
The Blog Elf ......hehehehe

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Why is it the men are always successful?

Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7 responses

There are these days a significant number of female artists, yet obviously the men are still for the most part successful. I think the reasons are rooted deep within the human psyche.

I begin by saying great artists are confrontational people. Cassat and Morrisot had to content themselves with nice family scenes. Gentilelschi was indeed confrontational but how many of her own paintings can you count on more than two hands and just think how badly she was treated.

Now I'll make another bold statement. Men generally speaking have a fear of women which they do not care to admit. That is why women have been oppressed historically. You will appreciate that people who are free to confront issues have power. Now women these days do have more power than ever and routinely confront issues in the daily course of business. However art is another matter. It often deals things of the unconscious. It may bring comfort but also may confront the issues we would rather not know about.

Rather than continue giving my conclusion, perhaps you ladies would care to give us what you see as the role of women in art. Do you want the power of confrontation or that of love and nurture? Quite clearly both are necessary.
Well I've put my big foot in it again and I do appreciate this isn't a comfortable matter for discussion. However, you may not feel comfortable playing second fiddle either. Great artists are not people who feel particularly comfortable with themselves let alone other people.

Mike Fone

Mike...I am posting this in response to your article...
I only heard about this Australian Artist last week...
Jan Dean told me after she heard about the artist on Radio National.......

"Although Yvonne Audette's distinctive, abstract paintings are represented in all our major art galleries, it's only now that the National Gallery of Victoria is celebrating the lyrical works which the young expatriate artist created in New York and Europe during the glory days of abstraction in the 1950s and 1960s.
Born in 1930, Yvonne Audette travelled to the US in 1952. There, as she studied art, she encountered the radical new abstract work of artists including Willem de Kooning and Robert Motherwell, Mark Tobey and Franz Kline. In 1955, she travelled extensively through Spain and then to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, where she established a studio in Florence and later, in Milan. Audette lived and worked in Italy, presenting numerous exhibitions, until 1966 when she returned permanently to Australia.
NGV Curator Kirsty Grant said:
The experiences of Yvonne Audette's expatriate years were critical to her development as an artist. Looking at the paintings and drawings from that time, the viewer can visualise the steady evolution of Audette's graphic vocabulary, from the bold linear quality of her earliest experimentation with abstract forms to the lyrical calligraphic and graffiti works for which she is renowned."

Artist Yvonne Audette is finally gaining recognition.......

While Audette has continued to work and regularly exhibit, she says she was ignored by critics and writers for many years. "I am only just beginning to be recognised. Women from very early times weren't given their due until the last 10 or 15 years. There's been a hold up in this country, a mentality that has for some reason felt the woman was not as creative as the man, whereas she has been given equal status in Europe and America since the 1950s and '60s."
read the full article here at
The Age

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Any one can be an Artist !!!!!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007 15 responses

Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas
Create your own work of art inspired by the great master, Jackson Pollock. Drag your cursor across the screen to create a masterpiece! Clicking your mouse button changes colors and pressing space erases your drawing. If you get bored, check out the new

have fun........

Question # 13
Who is the Guest Poet here at PoeARTica?

Question # 14
Which Contributor wrote "Through The Eyes Of A Child"?

Santa Recommends:
A Nice Place in the Sun, A Week In The Life of A Redhead, Blog Elf, Bobbarama, Bobbarama Humor Carnival, Bobbarama StumbleUpon, Book Project, Christmas Wish List, Christy’s Coffee Break, Climate of our Future, Emila’s Illustrated Blog, Everyday Should Be Christmas, Feel Happy, First Time Dad, FuelMyBlog, Hearts a Fire, Homeless Family’s Blog, Homeless In Jax, Home with Heather, Laketrees, Laketrees1, Life with Heathens, Lynda’s Loft, Mariuca, Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery, My Life is Murphy’s Law, Polliwog’s Pond, Polliwog’s StumbleUpon, Purplefrogcat, Revellian, Santa’s Community, Santa Elf’s Club, Santa Mail, Santa Wish Tree, The Blog Fairy, The Insane Writer, This is a Miracle, Writer’s Reviews, Twist and Skewer, Your Wisdom of Total Happiness, Zubli Zainordin.

Santa Claus at MyBlogLog authors Santa-Mail, Santa’s Elf Club, Santa’s Wish Tree, Every Day should be Christmas, Santa’s Wish List as well as co-authors Santa’s Community Blog.

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Question # 6

Wednesday, 5 September 2007 13 responses

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you


for promoting my Win a Free Portrait at your blogs.....
you are great friends !!!!!!!


What is the name of the film that I have reviewed here at PoeARTica ?????

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The Thoughtful Blogger Award

Sunday, 2 September 2007 17 responses

I have been awarded a thoughtful Blogger Award by Mark

The Thoughtful Blogger Award
For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.

Read about the award here
Thanks very much Mark....and I am passing this award onto .....

Lisa / Saboma / Anna / Deborah / Boyd

Question # 3
Name two contributors of poetry here at PoeARTica

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Win A Free Portrait for Christmas !!!!!!

Saturday, 1 September 2007 4 responses

Tahlia / Charlotte / Deborah

1. I will post one question every day

for the next 30 days

at laketrees OR PoeARTica
2. You will find the answers by reading my posts at

laketrees….or at PoeARTica or at my website laketrees1

3. Each day write your answer in the comment box

at either Laketrees OR PoeARTica

4. The winner will be the reader

with the most correct answers

entered by 30th September at 11pm EST

Details and Questions # 1 & 2
at laketrees

Big Thanks Saboma for the photo layout and the promotional post at
Maryannaville !!!!!!!

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