I ran entrecard before at my blogs but after several months I removed it. I just don't understand their concept on how to generate traffic on your blogs. Perhaps, I often visited the main site.
I ran entrecard before at my blogs but after several months I removed it. I just don't understand their concept on how to generate traffic on your blogs. Perhaps, I often visited the main site.
Oh yay! I am thrilled to be back on top here and at laketrees Kim! It was a difficult month in terms of dropping EC but I'm so happy to be tops he he!
Congratulations to everyone else who made ur list too. ;)
And thanks so much for having my badges up here, woo hoo! Hugsy! :):):)
haha Mariuca
you're Queen of the EC and commenters too
yeehaaaa :))
I ran entrecard before at my blogs but after several months I removed it. I just don't understand their concept on how to generate traffic on your blogs. Perhaps, I often visited the main site.
I ran entrecard before at my blogs but after several months I removed it. I just don't understand their concept on how to generate traffic on your blogs. Perhaps, I often visited the main site.
thanks to all for making the list.
Thank you to everyone