Tuesday, 11 March 2008
I have been tagged by Colin aka cotojo who was tagged by Milton from Bluedreamer 5 with the Top 5 Hottest Blogs……Colin said this was a tough one and it is...as I know so many wonderful bloggers....
Ok, so my top five ,and in no particular order I nominate the following excellent blogs and bloggers:
you...you...you...you...and you....
that means if you're are interested then let me know with a comment here and I will nominate your blog...
***start copy here***
1. Simply choose five blogs you want to be included in your “top five list”.
2. Give a short line or explanation why you put them on your list. One explanation for each blog.
3. Now tag as many blogs as you want.You can also tag those blogs you have listed in your TOP FIVE….you can also put your own blog in your list if you want
4. For those who have been tagged, you can also vote for a blog that was been nominated already (besides,this is what this meme is intended for,to know how many bloggers will nominate your blog)
5. Submit you TOP FIVE HOTTEST BLOG ENTRY here .
Submitted blogs will be the only one to be included in the tally
6. Remember:Submissions of entries starts from MARCH 1 2008 to MARCH 25 2008 and top five hottest blog winners will be anounced on MARCH 29 2008
7. Enjoy listing your top five!!!
***end copy here***
LOL Kim,
That's one way of doing it I suppose hahahaha.
It is so difficult to pick just 5, as you say there are so many excellent blogs to choose from.
Have a wonderful day my dear friend and I hope that your shoulder is well on its way to a full recovery :)
Colin from Life :=X
yes it was just too hard to pick 5 so I thought this was fair...
I imagine Laura's portrait must be arriving there any day...
the shoulder pffttt..I think I'm seeing an osteopath next as there is no change !!
hope yours is improving..
have a beaut day Colin:)
The top blogs are really a wonderful place to know things. But one thing I am afraid about. To make comments. I don't know why I feel fear to make comments over there.
Hi Kim,
I funtagged you here: http://nicusor.com/internet/funtagged/ with laketrees.
Would you join the game?
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the MP3 e MP4, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://mp3-mp4-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
thanks for calling by Expat :)
thanks for the tag Nick :)
will have join the game after Easter
hi MP
thanks and I will add you to my blogroll here too :)