I nEEd a tiTLE
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
I nEEd a tiTLE
Your words frighten me
They have a warmth
that tells me you have a fractured heart
I envy those women who have troubled you
Did they feel your anguish?
Did you really love so deeply or was it (forgive me) just
an obsession with love?
I felt jealous of your feelings - unconditional and
I felt guilty asking myself - it's too destructive
Why do you make me feel inadequate?
I do not want a cottage by the sea
This life - it is a puzzle
You make the rational irrational
desperate in your search
You need many many moments
to feed your hunger
I like your thoughts
They tempt my subconscious
but the reality is
not living the dream
but dreaming it.
"Larger Than Life"
Thought provoking post, beautiful image, too.
Very visual. I like it very much.
The only thing I could think of as far as titles goes is "Emotional Confusion".
Great job.
thanks Scott
I wrote this about 15 years ago in response to a friend's unrequited love for a lady....and I think the image fits the dream ......
hi Sapheyerblu
my friend was rather confused emotionally and I think I was too...ha ha...glad to hear that you gained a visual picture from it
and that you liked it...
Ah, I see. You know what they say, art lies in the mind of the beholder and, I hope your friend survived that dagger to the heart (and anyone else in the same boat). I think we all have been down that road, unfortunately, some of us are still aimlessly wandering it.
hmmmm Scott....
I'm not sure as I lost contact with him......
An aimless wanderer......you are not alone.....I suppose that's why there are so many poems written about unrequited love.....the search for a true definition of love is infinite.....
Yeah, I agree, sometimes I wish I were just a little tyke again, imagining the world to be picture perfect.
As soon as I can put my finger on the true meaning of the four letter word, love, I will share my experience.
For now, it appears to be a potent combination of emotions and feelings mixed with an enormous amount of mutual toleration.
hi Scott
when you are young and loved you do expect the whole world to love you the same way....and the world is perfect when you are little...but then you grow up ha ha!!!!
the best definition of love IMO was written by Scott Peck....
"love is not a feeling, it is an activity and an investment. Love is primarily a concern for the spiritual growth of another. Love cannot be sustained by mutual dependence, rather, love between two parties is made stronger when they are completely independent of one another"...
Kim, you have captured the creative person's neurosis wonderfully. I can readily identify with this.
after watching your video on your website.....Mikey.....I'm amazed at the similarity in the questions that we pose....ha ha the life of an artist !!!!